Verification - verification of data by an official representative of the company
‘Tick’ – a sign of passing verification by the affiliate programme, indicates that the data has been verified by the official representative and is up to date in the next 2-3 months.
Approximately once a quarter, a request is sent to the official representatives of affiliate programmes to update the data provided on the website. After the data is confirmed to be up-to-date, a ‘tick’ (verification mark) is added to the affiliate programme card.
Also on the page of the affiliate programme the date of verification is indicated, which allows visitors to see on what date the presented data are up-to-date.
This mark is automatically assigned to affiliate programmes that are added by official representatives independently through the form of adding objects.
Why is the verification tag missing?
The verification mark can be switched off by the site administration during the next check of the data relevance, for example, due to lack of feedback for a long time.
Does the label affect the position in the list?
Verification of an affiliate programme in no way affects the affiliate's position in the list of affiliate programmes.
But the lack of feedback may slightly affect the rating reduction.
What's the point of verification?
Verification is necessary to show the visitors that the data about the affiliate is checked and up-to-date.